Jordan Lambrecht, director & founder at Pixel Bakery Design Studio
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Jordan Lambrecht

director & founder

Jordan founded Pixel Bakery because he couldn't find a job. His alma mater is the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he received a Bachelor of Arts. Artistically trained, he brings a different perspective to advertising and how design works and the creative process can be approached. He's been asked roughly 314 times if Pixel Bakery is a real bakery, which generally results in disappointment when he informs them that the last thing he cooked was burnt popcorn over a month ago.

Alma Mater

university of nebraska-lincoln



Favorite Thing

the speedy walkway things at airports

Least Favorite Thing

fake candles

Favorite Movie

children of men

Most Hated Bird



laying in bed

Joined PB

December 2015

Personal Aesthetic



  • taurus
  • leo
  • cancer