
Just add flour.


Who we are

pixel bakery Abby Hall, multimedia designerpixel bakery Abby Hall, multimedia designer company headshotpixel bakery Molly Hobson Vaida, Project Managerpixel bakery Molly Hobson Vaida, Project Manager company headshotpixel bakery Fujifilm, Dogpixel bakery Fujifilm, Dog company headshotpixel bakery Mitchell Guynan, Cinematographerpixel bakery Mitchell Guynan, Cinematographer company headshotpixel bakery Samee Callahan, associate creative directorpixel bakery Samee Callahan, associate creative director company headshot

we're a ragtag team of scrappy designers, animators, and producers

pixel bakery Olli Jenkins, Creative Strategy Internpixel bakery Olli Jenkins, Creative Strategy Intern company headshotpixel bakery Jordan Lambrecht, director & founderpixel bakery Jordan Lambrecht, director & founder company headshotpixel bakery Nicole Klein, Motion Designerpixel bakery Nicole Klein, Motion Designer company headshotpixel bakery Lizzie Moore, multimedia designerpixel bakery Lizzie Moore, multimedia designer company headshot

we create intentional and beautiful moments for exciting people that share our beliefs and passions

pixel bakery Rebecca Cook, animation generalistpixel bakery Rebecca Cook, animation generalist company headshotpixel bakery Maddie Hahn, studio managerpixel bakery Maddie Hahn, studio manager company headshotpixel bakery Rachel Dempsey, Multimedia Designerpixel bakery Rachel Dempsey, Multimedia Designer company headshot

Our Core Values

This is the foundation of our company and the precedent we believe in setting for our community.


we're all going to die

Life is fleeting, and you only have so many days to craft the world you’d like to live in. Our goal is to live in that realization and make work that leaves a legacy.


take care of your people

Our success is a direct result of the people in our lives. Our employees, our clients, and our community are vitally important to us. We believe in paying a competitive wage, building trust with our clients, and giving back to the community through education.


unapologetically us

We are who we are and we treat everyone exactly the same. We want our relationships to be built on trust, so how could we have it any other way? We practice this with vulnerability, constructive criticism, and honesty.


You've got to be kind

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies-“God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”

– Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

awards and recognition


*awards are stupid and meaningless, but idk, i guess everything is. might as well smoke 'em if you got 'em, right?

  • Gold ADDY / animation / Donut Shop Website / Holly's Healthy Holes
  • Gold ADDY / animation / Reality / KANEKO
  • Gold ADDY / Original Song / Space Traffic / Lincoln Calling
  • Gold ADDY / Illustration / Tiny Peaceful Animals / Red Roots Yoga
  • Gold ADDY / Internal Branding / PB Website / Pixel Bakery
  • Gold ADDY / Branded Elements / One With Nature / Yoni Gill Photography
  • Gold AIGA Show / film / Light / KANEKO
  • Gold AIGA Show / film / Light / KANEKO
  • 2018 Step Up Award / Prosper Lincoln
  • New Company Entrepreneur of the Year / Pixel Bakery
  • Silver AIGA Show / animation / The Price of Free / Participant Media
  • Silver ADDY / Web Design / Brand Website / Red Roots Yoga
  • Silver ADDY / Music & Sound Design / Crispy Crowlers / HopCat
  • Silver ADDY / Animation / Crispy Crowlers / HopCat
  • Silver ADDY / Animation / Geek Show / American Advertising Federation

Some questions we get asked frequently

what's a website without one of these?