Rebecca Cook, animation generalist at Pixel Bakery Design Studio
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Rebecca Cook

animation generalist

Rebecca loves studying things that move, from cartoons to animals to her small-but-growing collection of wind-up toys. And that versatility serves her well as PB's resident Animation Generalist, making concept art, storyboards, and animated assets for the needs of any project. Upon joining PB she was asked by family if "the pixels at the bakery are byte-sized", and now lives burdened by the knowledge that she herself will never think of a pun quite that good.

Alma Mater

kansas city art institute



Favorite Thing

spring & summer

Least Favorite Thing

being cold for even a second

Favorite Movie

finding nemo

Most Hated Bird

ostriches. too big.


reading, embroidery, trying new type of art, like 5 video games she'll replay forever

Joined PB

august 2021

Personal Aesthetic

pretty boy


  • cancer
  • taurus
  • pisces