Mon's Recipes

Tutorial: Make Yourself Look Amazing on Zoom Calls

Do You Know Anything About Computers?

Gluten-Free Options Now Available

Nicole: From New York to Nebraska

Moore: My Time At PB

Why Authenticity in Advertising Matters

Comparing BMPCC 6K Pro's New Gyro Stabilization

Olli Jenkins: upgrades, people, upgrades!

Mitchell Guynan: Getting in the Flow State

A Little Reminder to Live In the Moment

Jordan Joins the LUX Center's Board of Directors

💫 Why I love working at PBDS
More Stories
Johnny Redd Brings the Pink to Pixel
Hey, what's up?! My name is Johnny (they/them) and I'm the newest Multimedia Designer at Pixel Bakery.
The Stream of Conscience Podcast
SEAchange co-founders Graham and Kyle visit with our Director and Founder, Jordan Lambrecht, to discuss the fully-baked company values the company tastefully leverages to impact the lives of employees and community members alike. Tune in for an enticing conversation about the importance of ingraining work-life balance, transparency, and mutual respect into the soul of a business.
Abby Hall’s Favorite Daily Affirmation
Hey there beauties! My name is Abby Hall and I am the newest baker in the shop here at PB!
Rotating Instagram CDNs with NextJS
I recently ran into an issue where I wanted to use NextJS's image optimization feature to display several images from Instagram.
How Can I Support You?
I run a small, 11-person animation studio in the Midwest (shameless plug: @pixelbakery). As any small business owner knows, you’re only as good as your team.
Ingredients for a Creative’s Work-Life Balance
Hello hello, my name is Rebecca and I am the newest animator at Pixel Bakery! A little background about myself is I’m originally a Cali girl, but I’ve been bouncing around the midwest for most of my life now—growing up in Omaha, earning my Bachelors of Fine Arts from the Kansas City Art Institute, and rolling to a stop in Lincoln to be the newest Cook in Pixel Bakery’s Kitchen.
New Kid on the Block
My name is Lizzie and I'm the new Post-Production apprentice here at Pixel Bakery!
Samee Callahan: A Winding Path to Excitement
Hello, fellow Bakery fans. Welcome to this blog post about me, Samee Callahan, the new Associate Creative Director at Pixel Bakery.
Sophia Stueven’s Favorite Way to Breathe
Chilling Out with Groovin’ Stueven, Pixel Bakery's newest Post-Production Specialist.
An Introduction to our Technology Stack
An internal process document that we provide to New Hire. It outlines all of the different technologies, terminologies, apps, and programs that our employees will be using daily during their tenure with us.
Olivia Boldt: Bol(d)ting Into the Bakery
Olivia Boldt joins Pixel Bakery as a Project Manager
The Brenna Bode Starter Pack
Hi friends! I’m Brenna- Pixel Bakery’s new ~Studio Manager~ and I’m so excited to be here. I’ll be making sure everything is running smoothly in the office and keeping Jordan sane.
Gmail: Auto Delete/Archive Emails After a Set Number of Days
Writing a Google Script to help keep your work email sane
Black History Month: A History in Black Cinematography
Last, but certainly not least, in our 3-part Black History Month series – a history in Black cinematography. While the rest of the year will be focused on highlighting modern creatives, we’re wrapping up BHM with another look into the past.
Adobe Illustrator PDF Presets. Which should you use?
An in-depth analysis on the science behind Adobe Illustrator's PDF presets
Pixel Bakery: Creative Direction
This is a scan of a newspaper article clipping. The article has disappeared off of the web and the original publication, LNK News, is now defunct.
Creativity Behind Closed Doors: 2021 ADDY's Awards
Winning ADDYs while working from home
Black History Month: A History in Black Photography
For Black History Month, we have been exploring the histories of our crafts and highlighting the Black creatives that have shaped our creative industry.
Audrey Farnham, Batter Late Than Never
Hi, friends! Audrey Farnham here. I’m the newest recipe in Pixel Bakery’s cookbook!
Black History Month: A History in Black Animation
Pixel Bakery is a design studio that specializes in animation, photography, videography, and graphic art. We couldn’t be more thankful to our community for letting us do what we love every single day. It’s Black History Month, and we figured we would explore the histories of our various crafts and spend the next few weeks highlighting the Black creatives that have shaped the industry we’re a part of.
List of Video/Image Formats Supporting Alpha Channels
There's little info regarding alpha channels, so I wrote about it. This should be useful for Twitch streamers (stream overlays) and OBS/Streamlabs users.
Dan the Man
Daniel Hinz is an award-winning illustrative artist in his final year at UNL, and we couldn’t help but share his incredible senior Capstone project with you all. (Honestly, we just wanted to show him off… try not to get too jealous.)
Busy AF and Living in a Pandemic
Approaching the end of 2020 we all know one thing for certain, time isn't real. As it turns out, the main way the human world functions is by pretending time is real and adhering to a bunch of things like rules, deadlines, circadian rhythms… When a global pandemic arrives and your country (and especially your state 👀) doesn’t handle it very well, apparently all of that structure goes out the window and we become feral goblins unsure of how to exist within our own homes.
Young Professional of the Year Award – 2020
We are incredibly proud to say that our very own Jordan Lambrecht got selected to be the inaugural 2020 Young Professional of the Year!
A solution of choice in motion marketing
Jordan Lambrecht, co-founder, and one of three managing partners of Lincolns Pixel Bakery Motion Studio pulls no punches in describing the early days of the four-year-old motion marketing production house.
The Nebraska Creative
The Nebraska Creative is your go-to resource for discovering design, advertising, and creative agencies in the heart of the Midwest – aka good ol’ Nebraska.
Using Trim Paths to Animate Text
Today we’re going to talk about how to animate the illusion of text being drawn/painted onto the screen in After Effects using Trim Paths.
Local Businesses to Support During COVID-19
We compiled a list of our favorite local businesses and artists you can support while we're all staying at home with way too much time to meditate.
Bake It ‘Till You Make It
What’s up, I’m Lindsey Stewart, the newest bun in the Pixel Bakery oven!
Looking Back While Simultaneously Looking Forward
Hi there! I’m Kaitlyn, Pixel Bakery’s freshest intern, and definitely not a seasoned baker. It turns out that mistaking powdered sugar for flour drastically affects the results of chocolate chip cookies — lesson learned. However, despite my lack of literal baking skills, you can count on me, the new Account Executive Apprentice, to stay on top of everything that is thrown my way and to keep it all organized (in a color-coded manner, of course).
Mastering the Art of “Slowly but Surely”
Hey there, I’m Natalie! I’m Pixel Bakery’s newest addition to the team.
Balancing it All: Tips for College Students
I’m here to provide 5 quick and easy tips to help juggle all of life’s craziness.
PB wins silver at AIGA Nebraska 2019 Show
This past weekend, Pixel Bakery was honored to earn a silver award for their work on SoulPancake: The Price of Free at the 2019 AIGA Show.
Ten Tips For Using Adobe After Effects
Ten tips for anyone wanting to plunge into the daunting, fascinating, infuriating, yet always rewarding world of Adobe After Effects and motion design.
Cookbook Recipes: Halloween Monster Toes
Hey, look! We actually have an employee that can bake. Here’s her recipe on monster toe breadsticks, just in time for Halloween!
The Sustainable Consumer
Over the past few years, I’ve made a real effort in becoming a more sustainable consumer.
Generate Assets in Photoshop for Web Images
In this tutorial: I’ll go over how we utilize the Generate Assets tool inside of Adobe Photoshop to quickly modulate web-ready image assets.
A Designer’s Journey: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Right
Hi, I’m Tyler Loebig, and I’m the newest ingredient (multimedia designer/animator) to the Pixel Bakery spice rack.
Gabby Joins PB as a Brand Manager
Hi! I’m Gabby, Pixel Bakery’s first ever Brand Manager!
Mix Adaptability and Confidence in a medium sized bowl
Hi! I’m Gabby, Pixel Bakery’s first ever Brand Manager!
3D Model: Polaroid Camera
A 3D model of a Polaroid Land Camera created in Cinema 4D and rendered with Arnold.
Owning Your Own Brand
When I first started to think about how to build my own personal brand I immediately thought about my social channels.
Pixel Bakery wins two awards at the 2019 Nebraska ADDY’s
At the 2019 Nebraska ADDY Awards, Pixel Bakery was awarded one gold and one silver in two different categories including animation and music.
Lincoln, Nebraska: This is for You
Lincoln- I am proud to say, is filled with these bright and shiny lights. These humans that create their art, and make their difference. They feel the responsibility to build a better future through their creations.
The Power of Extra: Guerilla Marketing and Novelty
Guerrilla Marketing is a strategy in which low-cost unconventional means (sampling, freebies, videos) are utilized, often in a localized fashion or large network of individual cells, to convey or promote a product or an idea.
Tutorial: Crash Course on Motion2
This is a quick and dirty tutorial on Mt. Mograph’s Motion2 plugin for After Effects.
Mind the Gap
There are gaps in our education. No secret there, right? Personal finance, communication skills, sales skills, and leadership development might not have made it onto your syllabus. This means it’s on us to fill those gaps.
Tutorial: Getting Started with Bootstraps
In this tutorial, Jordan covers the basics of setting up a Bootstraps 4 website.
How To Cure Your Seasonal Depression
I’ve lived in Nebraska my whole life, and when you live in Nebraska, you get used to talking about the weather.
Tutorial: Composition Settings in After Effects
Here’s a quick tutorial for setting up a new composition in After Effects.
Creating Character Joints in Illustrator for Rigging
A very long class tutorial on how to get characters ready for animation, focusing on how their joints interact with each other.
Becoming A Motion Designer
When I decided at eighteen years old what I should probably do with the rest of my life, I settled on a career as a journalist. Fast forward a year, and I decided that really wasn’t the thing for me–I wanted to design, too.
Tutorial: Adobe Illustrator’s Smooth Tool
A quick tutorial on how to smooth out bezier paths and points within Adobe Illustrator CC.
5 Easy Steps to World Domination. (Not really)
What’s up y’all! I’m Mitch Johnson. The fresh wheat here at PB.
We won an award for the way we run our business
A few weeks ago, Jordan, Karley and I were honored to accept the New Company Entrepreneur Award from the Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship.
Helping Uplift Community Art
This summer, we worked with local eCommerce company Spreetail on their latest community involvement event.
BTS: Storyboards for Lincoln Calling
Now that Lincoln Calling 2018 has come to a close, we wanted to share with you our storyboarding process.
PB wins Gold at AIGA SHOW for the second year in a row
This past Saturday, we were excited to accept a Gold AIGA award for work we created with our partners at KANEKO.
Nebraska Type Challenge – 04/30 Exclamation Mark
Hello! Week Four of the Nebraska Type Challenge has concluded! We’re very excited about the submissions for this week!!
Nebraska Type Challenge – 03/30 Semicolon
What’s up, egg whites? Week 3 of the Nebraska Type Challenge had our participants designing the semicolon.
Ovenside Chats w/ Josh III
On September 3rd, 2018 at 2:20 PM, a former NFL player posted a simple image on Twitter. The image was a portrait of himself with two lines of text spanning from cheek to cheek. What followed was unprecedented.
Nebraska Type Challenge – 02/30 Question Mark
What’s up, rolling pins? Week 2 of the Nebraska Type Challenge had our participants tackling the question mark.
Nebraska Type Challenge – 01/30 Ampersand
This week officially kicks off the Nebraska Type Challenge, a 30 week typography experiment that Pixel Bakery is helping put on.
PB Receives Prosper Lincoln Step Up Award
We’re honored to be selected as the latest Prosper Lincoln Step Up award recipient!
Top 10 Music Videos We Pull Animation Inspiration From
Here are my favorite animated music videos of all time. I love to reference them with clients- they always inspire creativity.
Our Top 10 Films of All Time (In No Particular Order)
As a production studio and creative shop, we’re naturally curious and always learning, using what we see in television and film in an attempt to answer our creative questions.
A Sprinkle of Inspiration
The point of this post isn’t to tell you to “just go for it,” because sometimes that advice is wrong and thinking it out is the right choice.
The Space You Create In Matters
I’m a firm believer that the space you create in dictates what the end result of your project will be.
Ovenside Chats w/ Josh
Intro to Color Theory (or colour if you’re British and need to tell everyone)
PHP and Bootstrap 4: How to get set up
Hello hello. Here’s a brief demo on how to integrate a php workflow with Bootstrap 4.
Pixel Bakery wins five ADDY awards
Last weekend, Pixel Bakery was awarded two golds and three silvers in five different categories at the Nebraska ADDY Awards.
Our 2018 ADDY Award winning work
We had a pretty good showing at this year’s ADDY’s. View the winning work below, and drop us a line if you want to get in on this list next year.
After Effects Rendering Workflow
Hiya. Here’s a quick guide written for my students on what Pixel Bakery uses for our render workflow.
Student Calendar Sketches – January
After reading this post on reddit, I decided it would be cool to have my design students try this project out.
Character Rigging with DUIK – Digitigrade
Today in class a lot of my students were struggling with the AutoRig function inside of DUIK.
KB joins PB as a Brand Strategist Intern
Kaitlin “KB” Brodeur – Baking creative goods since ’94
The Tale of Two Careers
When I graduated college back in 2015 with my art and advertising degree, my prospects were grim being a creative in the new world of adulting.
Repetition and Revision in the Creative Process
Pixel Bakery recently created a logo for Omaha Spring Cleanup, an annual initiative by Keep Omaha Beautiful that focuses on community beautification and environmental education.
Day 2
I stayed fairly productive all day, continuing to hone in and solidify a strong mood board for Pixel Bakery’s style guide.
Pixel Bakery Internship: Day 1
Yo, I'm Sophie! I am Pixel Bakery's newest pastry apprentice.
We won our first ADDY!
We now have as many ADDY’s as Leo DiCaprio has Oscars. Congrats to all the 2017 ADDY Awards winners.
Motion Graphics for Pompeii: Wrath of Vesuvius
One of the awesome things about working for an animation studio is the wide variety of projects that you get to be involved in.
Welcome to the PB blog/Leave while you still can
Hello poor, lost soul and welcome to our blog.