New Hire

Nicole: From New York to Nebraska

Hiya, I'm new
Nicole KleinNicole Klein
|2 min read
Written by the one and only Nicole Klein
Nicole: From New York to Nebraska, by Nicole Klein
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Hello! My name is Nicole Klein and I'm Pixel Bakery's newest Motion Designer. I'm super excited to join such an awesome team and enter into my ✨employed era✨.

I was born and raised in Rochester, New York, and graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida with my BFA in Motion Design. Now, I'm happy to be starting my career in Lincoln, Nebraska!

Here's a couple quick facts about me:

I'm a Pisces ☀️, Virgo 🌙, Taurus ⬆️ When I'm not Motion Designing, I like to read, cook and bake, and run. In my experience, going on a long run is the most effective way to explore a place 🏃🏼‍♀️

I'm passionate about pop culture, and can spend hours reading celeb gossip, movie reviews, and random Wikipedia pages 🥸 I love to travel, and one of my life goals is to live abroad for a period of time 🌎

As I've navigated through my education, career, and adulthood, something I've been reflecting on is the importance of being open to change. As a person– and as a creative- I've often been burdened with the Type A impulse to plan, control, and execute every element of my life perfectly. Well, that's not only impossible, but really limiting. It's important to say yes to unexpected things sometimes! This could apply to a friend asking you to grab dinner, instead of heating up the leftovers you were thinking about all day, but it works for bigger picture things too. Like moving to Nebraska for a really really cool job, even if you've never been there before, or even imagined that would ever happen in your life. Yeah. Things like that.

I'm super excited to be here at Pixel Bakery, and looking forward to seeing where life takes me from here!

Instagram: @nicolecolleen.motion


Letterboxd: @nicklein18


New Hire
Motion Designer
Rochester NY
Type A
Ringling College