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Looking Back While Simultaneously Looking Forward

Hi there! I’m Kaitlyn, Pixel Bakery’s freshest intern, and definitely not a seasoned baker.
Kaitlyn PfannenstielKaitlyn Pfannenstiel
|3 min read
Written by the one and only Kaitlyn Pfannenstiel
Looking Back While Simultaneously Looking Forward, by Kaitlyn Pfannenstiel
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Hi there! I'm Kaitlyn, Pixel Bakery's freshest intern, and definitely not a seasoned baker. It turns out that mistaking powdered sugar for flour drastically affects the results of chocolate chip cookies - lesson learned. However, despite my lack of literal baking skills, you can count on me, the new Account Executive Apprentice, to stay on top of everything that is thrown my way and to keep it all organized (in a color-coded manner, of course).

To give you a brief idea of who I am, I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and have spent most of my life close to home. Although most people believe that Nebraska consists of just cornfields, living here has given me the opportunity to find beauty and adventure in everything I come across in life. I will be graduating from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in May with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and am thrilled to put everything I've learned into motion.

As a soon-to-be college graduate, reflecting on the past four years is simply unavoidable. As memories, life-lessons, and previous classes start flooding back into my mind, it is apparent how well the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the College of Journalism and Mass Communications has prepared me for the workforce. As expected, and dearly hoped for by my professors, I can recall the basic principles of the advertising world. Not so memorable are those chemistry classes I took freshman year when I thought I wanted to be a doctor - don't you just love the crazy path life has set out for you?! Through it all, despite the professional knowledge I have gained over these past four years, it is evident that I have yet to discover who I want to be outside of the nine-to-five grind.

Making a lifestyle change can always be a bit daunting at first. As a college student who is constantly trying to juggle homework, studying, work, and a personal life, free time simply isn't available. Self-discovery is an essential process that requires quite a bit of effort and self-reflection. As I adjust to a new lifestyle void of traditional homework and studying, I look forward to discovering new passions and adventures. Whether that means traveling to unknown destinations, becoming an avid reader, testing new recipes, or volunteering in our community, I simply can't wait to unlock a world of freedom, expression, and unlimited possibilities.

If you have any fun, intriguing recommendations for me to explore - let me know! In the meantime, connect with me on LinkedIn!



account executive