
Olivia Boldt: Bol(d)ting Into the Bakery

Olivia Boldt joins Pixel Bakery as a Project Manager
Olivia BoldtOlivia Boldt
|2 min read
Written by the one and only Olivia Boldt
Olivia Boldt: Bol(d)ting Into the Bakery, by Olivia Boldt
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Hello, all! My name is Olivia Boldt, and I’m one of the newest additions to Pixel Bakery. Here at PB, I’m a Project Manager. That means I keep track of project deadlines and observing the status of where each studio member is at with these projects. I am humbled to take this position and can’t wait to see how I grow at Pixel Bakery.

A little bit of background about myself is that I was born in Haverhill, MA, raised in good ol’ Madison, SD, and have been living in Lincoln, NE, since 2017. My Alma Mater is the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and I recently graduated with majors in psychology (no, I cannot read your mind) and music performance (yes, I am still terrible at drum set). This fall, I will be taking a year of coursework through CareerFoundry’s UX Design Program and applying for jobs as an entry-level UX/UI Designer after completing the course.

Here are random facts about myself that will either amuse you or help you get to know me better:

  • I don’t know whether it’s a witty trait of mine or if I am genuinely a father trapped in a 22-year-old’s body, but I am exceptional when it comes to dad jokes. To ask me to refrain from making corny bakery jokes at Pixel Bakery seems nearly impossible in my mind. I’ll let you know how far I make it before one slips.
  • If you can’t tell from my music background, I am a huge advocate for music of all types. Except country- sorry y’all. Some of my favorite bands include The Strokes, Interpol, Punch Brothers, The National, and The Black Keys. One of the greatest parts of life is being able to experience live music; it never fails to remind me to live in the moment.
  • I nerd out when it comes to literature. Especially poetry. Some of my favorite poets include Charles Bukowski, Walt Whitman, and Shel Silverstein. As far as authors go, I would never turn down a chance to read Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemingway, or John Steinbeck. I’m hoping to get a book club rolling at Pixel Bakery to learn more about what other people are reading. If you have any book recommendations, please send them my way!

Here’s to a great year at Pixel Bakery. 🙂


Olivia Boldt
Project Manager
New Hire