
Student Calendar Sketches – January

After reading this post on reddit, I decided it would be cool to have my design students try this project out.
Jordan LambrechtJordan Lambrecht
|1 min read
Written by the one and only Jordan Lambrecht
Student Calendar Sketches – January, by Jordan Lambrecht
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After reading this post on reddit, I decided it would be cool to have my design students try this project out. The results from month one are great and I wanted to share them on here. You can definitely see the wide variety in the student's personal styles. It's going to be interesting to see how these develop throughout the rest of the semester.

Cameron Sketches Collin Sketches Crystal Sketches Curves Emily Sketches Jasmine sketches jenna sketches josh sketches kiersten sketches logan sketches maeve sketches morgan sketches natalie sketches quang hong sketches

