
Young Professional of the Year Award – 2020

We are incredibly proud to say that our very own Jordan Lambrecht got selected to be the inaugural 2020 Young Professional of the Year!
Maria SmalMaria Smal
|3 min read
Written by the one and only Maria Smal
Young Professional of the Year Award – 2020, by Maria Smal
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Jordan Lambrecht poses with Young Professional Award
Jordan Lambrecht poses with Young Professional Award
Jordan Lambrecht poses with Young Professional Award
Jordan Lambrecht poses with Young Professional Award
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We are incredibly proud to say that our very own Jordan Lambrecht got selected to be the inaugural 2020 Young Professional of the Year! And, I mean, if we do say so ourselves, he is pretty young & professional.

Amidst other firsts, 2020 was also a first for the Young Nebraskans Awards presented by the Nebraska Department of Economic Development and Connecting Young Nebraskans. This program is intended to celebrate talented & influential young Nebraskans who are making a positive impact in their workplaces and communities.

From Young Nebraska's Website:

A young professional who takes unusual or extraordinary measures to balance work, family, and life while positively impacting their community for the better. This young professional demonstrates qualities from all of the Young Nebraskans Awards categories.

Jordan is a Managing Partner at Pixel Bakery Design Studio in Lincoln, NE. It is very important to him to give back to the community that has given him so much; he credits where Pixel Bakery is today on bigger companies taking a chance on them and continues to find ways to pay it forward. When founding the company, he and his partners committed to taking on a non-profit client pro-bono every quarter, offering the selection up to a company-wide vote. He says it goes back to the idea of creating a better Nebraska, a better Lincoln. Another way that he supports the community is by opening up the studio space and camera equipment to any person of color that's interested in design, photography or video production.


Jordan never gives up on anyone - not an employee, not a friend, not a member of the community. He's always there for you and will do whatever needs to be done to take care of the people in his life. He and Karley run Pixel Bakery with their morality and ethics rather than cost analysis spreadsheets. Not to mention, Jordan has a lot of pride in where he's from - he says he views Nebraska as home because he sees a future here.

Endless hoorays for Jordan! If only any of us here could actually bake, we'd make you a cake. ♥


Animation Studio
Jordan Lambrecht
local business
motion design
Professional awards
small business
young professional
young professional of the year