
Helping Uplift Community Art

This summer, we worked with local eCommerce company Spreetail on their latest community involvement event.
Tony BertinoTony Bertino
|2 min read
Written by the one and only Tony Bertino
Helping Uplift Community Art, by Tony Bertino
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This summer, we worked with local eCommerce company Spreetail on their latest community involvement event. ELEVATE called on local artists to submit original work to be printed and scaled on large grain elevators in Lincoln. The goal was to uplift and beautify our community.

The submission criteria was pretty simple - to showcase Lincoln in a way that is special to the artist. Hundreds of submissions were received and 13 finalists were chosen. After the 13 finalists were chosen, we modified them from their original files to formats accessible for large-scale printing. In addition to a handful of digital files, we worked with two canvas paintings, a quilt patch, and a 2×6 in. drawing. We worked with local company Images II to scan the physical submissions that we then finalized for printing. Additionally, we designed posters that were gifted to the artists and made available to launch party attendees. Karley Johnson, Partner and Creative Director, spoke at the event about PB's involvement in the project. Finally, everything came together and the art has been installed.

As we continue to grow, we continue to seek out ways to be involved in community efforts and to partner with organizations doing the same. We want to thank Spreetail for curating this project, Images II for helping us out, and to all the artists that participated and continue to make art that makes our city a great place to live.

You can read more about the project on Spreetail's website here.

