
All Good Things

We have some news :)
Jordan LambrechtJordan Lambrecht
|4 min read
Written by the one and only Jordan Lambrecht
All Good Things, by Jordan Lambrecht
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We have some news :)

When I started Pixel Bakery seven years ago (wow), I had dreams of of what success meant. I never weighed it with penthouses or yachts as currency. It was defined as:

  • Create beautiful visual moments for interesting and fun clients
  • Surround myself with a tight-knit team of other purpose-driven and hungry creatives
  • Leave a meaningful impact on the world. I wanted to be remembered as a force for good that improved people's lives

Nothing has really changed. I still want all of those things and they're still the driving factor behind every decision I make with Pixel Bakery. Back then, it was an unobtainable dream dreamt during the hour of freedom I got between working at Pixel Bakery and the start of my serving job. Not in a thousand years could I imagine that dream coming true.

I write the history of Pixel Bakery in my head divided into epochs. The first, as mentioned above, as the "The Struggle Era." The second, "Adolescence."

The past year has been the most transformative of Pixel Bakery's existence.

We've expanded our client roster to be composed of mostly national clients. Of those, we have four former Shark Tank winners. Three have over 500 thousand instagram followers, which means over 3 million eyeballs have seen our work. Five of them are listed in the Fortune 500. Two are in Canada, which technically makes us an international company, I guess? And our newest addition, Kodiak Cakes, marks the 70th relationship to entrust us with their brand story.

As of this year, we now have 11 Bakers, a satellite office in Northwestern Arkansas, and the competitive benefits my team has always deserved but was, until now, previously unrealistic.

This year has all been a crescendo to our third epoch, "Established." I'll never consider us done growing, but we're now damn good at what we do and we're damn good at figuring out how to do it. Pixel Bakery's team is the tight-knit group of dangerously skilled creatives I've always wanted, and our clients now come to us because they know we'll execute their vision at the highest-quality.

I believe that in the future I'll think of this week as of the start of our third epoch. We have three huge Announcements:

A Brand Spankin' New Studio

We've officially moved into a new studio that provides us 3x the space for our team to flourish and be even more creative. We love the community that Turbine Flats provides us and could never leave, but we're now on the first floor. You can find our front door on the southwest site of the building. Just bang on the garage door. It's still a mess, but our new address is 2124 Y Street, Suite 112, Lincoln, NE 68503. Stop by any time and say hi, hang out, or work from our couch. As like before, we believe that an open door policy fosters a great creative environment and breaks down barriers.

The move has been personally very bitter-sweet for me. There's an incredible amount of memories-- some good, some bad-- in the old office's walls and it'll be a such a defining part of my life.

A Brand Spankin' New Website

Our old website didn't represent the brand we've grown into anymore and it was time to breathe new life into it. It's been a year in the making and I'm extremely please with the end result. Check it out at our new fancy .com address:

We're hiring two new positions

Pixel Bakery is in the process of hiring two positions: a full-time cinematographer and a part-time 2D Generalist. If you know anyone, send them our way 😉

Okay, I'll stop hogging your brain

While wrapping up, I'd like to pay homage to all the souls that have passed through Pixel Bakery's doors. Past and present clients and employees, we are who we are today all because of you. I am constantly incredibly humbled and honored of everyone that has been a part of our story. I'm so excited to see what the universe has in store for us, and I look forward to conquering the challenges the journey brings.



Design Studio
New Studio