
A Little Reminder to Live In the Moment

Hi there! I’m Maddie Hahn and I’m the newest edition to the Pixel Bakery family.
Maddie HahnMaddie Hahn
|3 min read
Written by the one and only Maddie Hahn
A Little Reminder to Live In the Moment, by Maddie Hahn
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Hi there! I'm Maddie Hahn and I'm the newest edition to the Pixel Bakery family. I'm super excited to be joining the team as Studio Manager, which basically means I'll be doing a little bit of everything to make sure the studio runs as smoothly as a freshly baked butter-soft bun.

Here's a list of what makes me, well me:

Music is my #1 inspiration for almost everything I do.

I'm a music fanatic, it's one thing that'll keep on giving and never take. Anything funky, jazzy, bluesy, alternative, punk or rock and roll puts me into a calming space when I need to get something done. I've lost track of how many concerts I've been to, but one person who I would have loved to have seen would've been Amy Winehouse. I tend to gravitate toward people, artists, musicians, etc. who have a deeper story to tell rather than those who care more about what's on the surface and Amy was one of the few who didn't care about the superficial.

I write poetry for therapy.

Poetry is a form of escapism for me when I'm feeling sad, mad, happy or whatever it might be. It's always there to relieve some sort of emotion that I need to get out. Writing isn't always rainbows and butterflies just like anything in life, but you never know who you might touch or inspire by being vulnerable and speaking your truth. If you struggle with being your own worst critic like me, keep reminding yourself that nobody is perfect, reinforce positive affirmations, and remember to meditate.

Fashion is my passion.

I've always had my own style, different from everyone else's. I don't like to wear anything that other people are wearing or whatever is considered 'trendy.' I think fashion is a form of inner expression so I tend to gravitate toward what speaks to me most as an individual. My advice on fashion is to never wear something that doesn't feel like you and don't forget to save the planet by always shopping sustainable.

I'm an avid adrenaline junkie.

One thing that will live rent free in my head is advice Will Smith gave in a YouTube video on how to conquer fear, "On the other side of your maximum fear, are all of the best things in life." I try to live my life by this and the next thing I knew I was looking down 829 feet on the top of the Las Vegas Stratosphere ready to bungee jump at 40mph. So take some guidance from the Fresh Prince and you'll be able to experience life how it's supposed to be lived.

I'm always planning my next trip.

Traveling is a huge part of my life because every destination teaches me something different. One of my main goals for this job is to challenge myself by getting out of my comfort zone. Just like traveling to an unfamiliar city and emerging myself into a new culture I plan on gaining a deep sense of satisfaction through new insights and skills at Pixel.

Just to leave you with a final thought, remember that everything in life happens for a reason no matter how many mistakes you've made along the way, you're exactly where you're supposed to be. So, stay groovy and most importantly keep spreading peace and love. Now it's time to get baking.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and follow me on Instagram!

-Maddie Hahn


Motion Design Studio
Studio Manager