An After Effects tutorial that shows how to create a simple, rotating black and white spiral illusion. By Shaydan Bayless
Today I'll be showing you how to create a new spiral illusion effect on After Effects.
The first thing we're going to do is start a new composition and we're going to name it spiral effect.
And right now I have my settings at 1920x1080 px. We're going to keep the background color at white and then we're going to hit okay. And then we're going to go up here, layer, new, solid. And you're going to want to adjust the width and the heights. If you're using 1920 by 1080, 2500 by 2500 should work. And then we're going to want to keep the color at black and we're going to hit okay.
And the first thing we're going to do is go to effects and presets and look for venetian blinds. Transition, venetian blinds, and you're going to double click that. And you're going to up the transition completion to about, say, 56 or so. And then we're going to up the width. We're going to do about 86. And then we're going to go back over to effects and presets and type in polar. And underneath distort we're going to double click polar coordinates. And then type of conversion, change it to rec to polar. And then we're just going to up this and we have our spiral.
But we want to add a twirl. So we're going to go back to effects and presets and add that twirl. Distort, twirl, double click that. And from here, you can really just adjust it to your liking. And then we're going to up the twirl radius, just do 100.
And then we're going to go down here to animate it. Under transform we're going to hit the rotation stopwatch. And then we're going to hold option and then hit the stopwatch again. And then we're going to type in time times 10 plus value. And then from here you can animate it and do whatever you want with it. You can do something like this.
So, yeah, that was a simple spiral illusion effect on After Effects. Like I said, from here, you can really do a lot with it, but this was just a really simple, quick tutorial.